(I promise, there is nothing subliminal in the title of this post. I'm not hinting at anything.)
But I am LOVING this book that arrived in the mail last week. It is written by Walker Lamond and each page holds bits of wisdom that he has written for....his unborn son.
From St. Martin's Press, it is called, Rules for My Unborn Son .
Here are a few samples, though it was hard to pick just a few. Things every man and boy should know, don't you think? :
Never pack more than you can carry yourself.
Be a vigorous dancer. However, you're under no obligation to join a conga line.
Don't pose with booze.
Don't shout out requests at rock shows.
You can't cram for a dental exam.
Have a signature dish, even if it's only one.
Write letters. On paper.
Take your sunglasses off indoors. This includes elevators and planes.
Be nice to your sister. You are her cheerleader, confidante, and bodyguard.
Never respond to a critic in writing.
This book is packed with great advice and wisdom. Dan and I found ourselves sitting at the dinner table a few nights ago reading and nodding our heads as we flipped through every page. It made me wonder what advice I'd put in a book for my daughters. It made me wish the book were required reading for manhood.
I think it would make a great shower gift, a great birthday gift, a great father's day gift. I'm adding it to my list and sending my copy on to one of my favorite men, as soon as I read it a few more times.
And who knows, I may be asking for it back in a few weeks time....
I'm curious, what advice would you put in a book for your son or daughter?What bits of wisdom would you want them to carry through life?
I think you are having a boy, you know.
Posted by: Mama Urchin | 02 March 2010 at 10:01 AM
Being the mother of (almost) three boys (the third is due in two months!), I am totally drawn to this book. I simply must obtain a copy! Thanks for sharing it!
Posted by: melissa | 02 March 2010 at 10:02 AM
I must get that book! Thank you for the heads up!
One thing I would write: The hardest decision is usually the right decision.
Posted by: Sara | 02 March 2010 at 10:24 AM
For my girls....
You are perfect as is. But continue to learn and grow.
Speak kind words. Uplift other women especially.
Posted by: Kelly | 02 March 2010 at 10:28 AM
It is OK to cry. Crying doesn't mean you are less of a man, sometimes it makes you more of one.
Be kind.
Love yourself first.
Posted by: Crystal | 02 March 2010 at 10:34 AM
If you have to ask the hard question, you probably already know the answer.
Looks like a great book!
Posted by: Molly | 02 March 2010 at 10:51 AM
it may be a boy. I think so. Have you read my last post? xo
Posted by: amy | 02 March 2010 at 11:01 AM
Fantastic book--I hope to get a look at it soon. There is a blog out there called "500 pieces of advice for my baby daughter" (or something close). It's really good!
Posted by: Meg Evans | 02 March 2010 at 11:07 AM
For my daughter who says, "don't I look pretty?" When all dolled up I say, "you are always beautiful." When did we learn if we put on a sparkly headband that we were then beautiful?
"Let others speak, then listen."
Posted by: Mary-- The Yellow Door Paperie | 02 March 2010 at 11:09 AM
Found it: it's "prudentadviceformybabydaughter.com" Check it out--I've found many good pieces of advice for myself on there!
Posted by: Meg Evans | 02 March 2010 at 11:09 AM
for my girl:
Nothing is as important as what you are doing right. now.
Yes, you may have the music up louder.
Remember that Ws are Ms upside down... you taught me that. You simply have to look at things a little differently.
Not talking does not mean not communicating.
There are a million beautifuls.
Posted by: katie | 02 March 2010 at 01:22 PM
for my 11 year old girl:
it's okay to share your opinion, I don't mind if you disagree with my fashion choices ;)
Posted by: carol | 02 March 2010 at 01:39 PM
As the mom of four grown, young adult children I would say...
"love as much as you possibly can"
Posted by: Karen at sew and sow life | 02 March 2010 at 01:46 PM
this is such a great post! i can't wait to find this book.
"don't be afraid to walk away from a situation that is bad for you."
"takes lots of pictures."
"learn to like hanging out with yourself."
Posted by: melissa | 02 March 2010 at 06:18 PM
For my eight year old daughter Jane:
be compassionate. It is important to be there for others and treat them well.
be silly. It is so important to find joy in the small things of life.
challenge yourself. You are a wonderfully special daughter... challenge yourself to do wonderfully exciting things!
For my 19 month olf daughter Eleanor:
be gentle. Hitting and throwing is not the path to choose.
give hugs and kisses. You will only be little for a short while and it soothes me more than you know!
carry our love with you as you grow....
Posted by: Amy | 02 March 2010 at 07:10 PM
For my daughter:
Keep dancing all through your life.
Listen more than you talk.
Check your bank statements and keep the receipts.
Posted by: Meowmie | 03 March 2010 at 12:03 AM
Oh, I used to read his blog!
And there IS one for daughters too:
Guess since there are 500 pieces of advice for the daughters and 1001 for the sons, we know who needs our advice more so...;)
No really, there are so many good ideas here, I'll just add my mom's: Play with your children more than you clean your house. Hmmm....no problems here with that one!
Posted by: Erin Zackey | 03 March 2010 at 01:28 AM
Thank you Molly for such a thoughtful and generous review of my little book. You have a terrific site!
A fellow Marylander,
Walker Lamond
Posted by: Walker | 04 March 2010 at 09:55 AM
that sounds like a great book....I don't think I'm much of an inspirational writer though...I can't think of a thing to add!
Posted by: Kristin | 05 March 2010 at 07:57 AM
Boys need to be taught to hold the door open for women ! I seriously think my husband is the only man in our town who performs this simple act of chivalry. In the doctor's office the other day, to my amazement, I witnessed a male pharmeceutical sales rep in a suit wait for the woman he was with to open the door for him .
Posted by: steph | 12 March 2010 at 11:13 PM